Translink Ballast Cleaning Facility
Northern Ireland
Due for Completion 2024
2,200 sqm/ £10m
Percy Thomas Architects are working with NI Railways to develop a Ballast Cleaning Facility for 'on-track' plant maintenance through the Translink project based in Knockmore, Lisburn. The new facility is proposed to accommodate facilities involved in stabling, maintenance and aggregate handling - as well as providing training facilities and office accommodation to create a central operational and learning hub which meets the client’s aspirations for a ‘Centre of Excellence’ facility for rail infrastructure in NI. The project is targeting an overall BREEAM rating of ‘Excellent’ and is looking to integrate optimal use of environmentally friendly and renewable energy technologies and solutions within the building and wider scheme design. The building incorporates rail, manufacturing, educational, administration spaces within its key uses and is being delivered by WSP as part of a multidisciplinary offering.